What you can do
When people become aware of how devastating abortion is, or euthanasia, they often ask, “What can I do to help?” Here are a few suggestions:
Educate yourself on pro-life issues and speak out about them.
Offer encouragement and support when someone you know faces an unplanned pregnancy.
Join our email list to receive periodic emails with important polls, news and events. Email "Add me to your Eblast List" to info@chooselife.ca .
Attend pro-life events.
Become a volunteer.
Make a point to connect with isolated seniors you know.
Contribute maternity and baby items to your local pregnancy care centre.
Show a pro-life video or invite one of our speakers to your church, youth or community group.
Wear a precious feet pin. These pins, available in our office, show the exact size of an unborn baby’s feet 10 weeks after conception. People often ask what the pins mean, giving opportunity to discuss the humanity of the unborn child.
Support your local pro-life group with a financial gift. Donate here
Pray if you are a person of faith.
Contact our office for more information by emailing info@chooselife.ca or call 905-684-7505.